
Yondlers Visitors

Middle Class People Spending Habit

Probably the hardest thing you can ask someone today is to control and limit their spending's. It is the hardest thing one can ask anyone. This is probably because it is a sensitive matter. This would not be an issue, but it is. According to Business Report  FNB has claimed that the South African middle class spend all their salaries within the first 5 days of receiving it (Business Report, 2018). That is a lot of money. Let me help you understand. The middle class, according to Justin Visagie (2016), are people who earn between 5600 to 40000 per month after direct tax. If your personal income meets within that criteria then congratulation you are the middle class. Korhonen (2016) believes that on South Africa's population 31% of them consists of the middle class. Let me show you how bad it is. Majority of 31% of South Africans cannot budget their money. 55% of South Africans are living in poverty. That means only 14% of South Africans have money and just don't u...

Did Jesus Die For Everyone?

Did Jesus actually die for the World.  I know what your thinking, Duhh! Well that seems to be the everyday sort of answer. We all have adapted to that ideology, so much that it's the first thing we think of when thinking about Christianity.  There so are many concepts that churches and Christians preach that are so not true. It is as if the churches nit picks their favorite parts and preach that. This is so the real Christianity is dag down deep and shoved in. Well with this question I hope to crack the mystery. I hope to show my readers that this topic is simply not as simple as they thought it was. DID JESUS DIE FOR THE WORLD Many evangelical Christians use this line "did you know Jesus died for you?" It may seem to be the most essential aspect of the whole Christian religion. It is the pillar of many people faith.  Many churches have reference to where the Bible proves the claim to being correct. Here some examples: - John 12: 47 "for I...

Investment Opportunity List

I think it is time we venture out into different financial market. The financial market is a gold mine on its own and we haven’t seem to touch the surface yet. I have taken the liberty of making this article to assist investors to keep their money for something bigger. I am going to be talking about investment. I hear so many people say I wish I was an investor when Amazon was just starting. I wish so myself. I want to ask my readers to stop saying this. I have grabbed a couple fantastic business startup that have a great chance of blowing up. I made my research and here what I have… Cryptocurrency Start-Up Block chain company FHM (Pty) Ltd has launched the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for SAFCOIN, an exclusive African cryptocurrency that aims to make digital currency investment easy and understandable for everyone in Africa. A total of 500,000 SAFCOIN tokens will be made available exclusively to South Africa during the ICO.   This gives South Africans an opportunit...

Profitable Business in SA

Profitable Business in SA Are you an investor looking to invest your money somewhere? You came to the right place. Check out these great start up business that are urgent for financial boosts. Investments go from R1000 to R25000. Cryptocurrency Exchange KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa BITTURE was formed in 2017 and will soon launch a cryptocurrency exchange serving the South African market, initially supporting ZAR, BTC and ETH trading. In time more digital coins will be added. The exchange will accommodate traders of every skill level, making digital currency trading easily accessible. BITTURE is devoted to ensuring: quick trade execution, fair pricing, customer service, and continuous improvement. BITTURE aspires to play a major role in the growing digital currency market, especially in developing economies, using new and proven technologies. In medium to long term, BITTURE aims to build blockchain-based products, and to promote the adoption of digital currencies. M...

YouTubers vs Bloggers in SA

YOU-TUBERS VS BLOGGERS IN SOUTH AFRICA We are back. Today's topic is the upcoming bloggers and YouTubers in South Africa. With the awn of entertainment is now entering our cell phones with Netflixs and Youtube is now. We are now even entering the age where magazines are becoming less popular, as people prefer to get their articles from the internet. I mean it makes sense, why buy a magazine to see who Drake slept with than just typing "Drake" on your phone. Unfortunately my blog is not hitting the market that I wished it to hit, but I guess shutting this bad boy is a though that haunts me. I thought by now my blog would be reaching out to people, but oh well. Enough talk, lets role. We will list the top 3 big Youtubers and bloggers in South Africa. 1.  Lasizwe Dambuza His Fame began with his YouTube channel that got him to the point he is in.  He now is a radio host and one of South Africa's favorite celebrity.  Very Funny channel that wa...

Making Money Online

Making Money Online.  I have discovered that the internet has a wealth of money. In my previous article I have talked about the various ways that you can make easy and real money on your phone. The internet is not only connecting us, but it is making money. International banks and ewallets use the internet to transfer funds. Ewallets like Skrill, PayPal and Neteller internet money holders for international transactions. Government use the internet to find Tenders. The fact you are reading this you have a gold mine. The gold mine you have is you having access to the internet. The internet is no longer a market, but a market holder. Perhaps we need to change the way we think about income. Soon we won't be able to not have income and internet in the same sentence. The question I now want to ask everyone is, what are you waiting for? In 2017 Google was report to of made $110 billion. The highest paid Youtuber has been paid up $10 million. TechCrunch is the highest paid blo...

R-Rated Bible

So if many of you do not know that the Bible carries heavy sexual references and referrals. The Bible uses words like "genitals", "breast" and "bosom". The Bible uses these words in very harsh and straight forwards way.  Many people may argue that this cannot be the word of God. They argue that this God in the Bible is no longer pure or good. They even go as far as saying God is hypocritical. The thing we must understand is God is real. He tells you whats what in your face. We have genitals, that's reality. Why would there be a God that is totally ignorant to such reality. In this post we will like 5 Bible verses that get freaky and explain what it means. Parental guidance is advised. “ The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs.   The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife.”  1 Corinthians 7:3-4 Ya'll heard G...

Making Money Online! Part 3

Sport Betting I think many of you have heard of sports betting. It is real and it is a very addictive. People loose their heart earned money and it is very risky. But in statistics we can break it down. We learn that when you bet on a better more probable outcome you have a more percentage of winning. If you have a greater chance of winning then you are no longer gambling. See gambling is betting whether the 50:50 outcome. Where you truly do not know the out come. Though, when you can assume and predict the winner then you are betting strong.  I would not recommend leaving your job for sports betting. I have never heard of anyone making money all of his or her earning only on sports betting. They make a large amount of their earning via betting that I can agree with.  See if you are betting on something you know and can study then you can win. If you are betting Barcelona vs Sundown then through statistics it is safe to bet where the outcome is best one ret...

Making Money Online! Part 2

Foreign Exchange Currency According to research Foreign Exchange is the biggest market in the world. It bring approximately 3 trillion US Dollar per day. It is a market Banks all over the world engage with. It is a market that may need skills and some knowledge Understand that Forex is not a scam. It is ran by Banks across the world. It is highly regulated and it is engaged with. Economist are one of the few professions that actually actively engage with Forex.  Business use Forex to actually determine the price of their products. When the rates are weak (for example USA: -1.68%) within a country the business will sell their products higher to obtain more profit. This is very skilled way for business to make more profit. This is one of the reason why companies change the price of their products. They do so to obtain profit. Coke may be at a different price to the US and South Africa. If the exchange rate of US and South Africa is R10 is worth $1, then you'd thi...

Making Money Online! Part 1

Survey Money I think the time of waking up and going to work is over. So now it is in with the new and out with the old. The new is people have half of their lives on the internet. I will not exclude myself. I have half of my life on the internet. Some of my banking is on the internet (PayPal). I am starting to buy online more an more. Look, I even dated online. I thought to myself if this is the case why can't I just all together make money online. This post will tell you how to make easy money via the internet. I suggest you subscribe to this website and share with your friends. This blog is hitting 2 years old fairly soon, so I hope you enjoy. Online Surveys There are companies trying to better their business and they need me and you to tell them how. There are companies willing to pay millions just to have people give critics on how they can better their business for their clients. Many companies pay for consultants and many give surveys out. Have you ever enter...