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Making Money Online! Part 3

Sport Betting

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I think many of you have heard of sports betting. It is real and it is a very addictive. People loose their heart earned money and it is very risky.

But in statistics we can break it down. We learn that when you bet on a better more probable outcome you have a more percentage of winning. If you have a greater chance of winning then you are no longer gambling. See gambling is betting whether the 50:50 outcome. Where you truly do not know the out come. Though, when you can assume and predict the winner then you are betting strong. 

I would not recommend leaving your job for sports betting. I have never heard of anyone making money all of his or her earning only on sports betting. They make a large amount of their earning via betting that I can agree with. 

See if you are betting on something you know and can study then you can win. If you are betting Barcelona vs Sundown then through statistics it is safe to bet where the outcome is best one returning. 
Image result for sports bettingBet according to numbers. Number never lie. If guy A has 3 looses and 5 wins, and guy B has no looses and all wins: then who will win? It is pointing out the obvious. 

We are living in a world where we can bet on the internet. We don't need to go to Las Vages to bet. We can bet at the comfort of our own home. There are even business in South Africa where you and I can place a bet. 

I believe when you bet, you should bet strong and wise. If you bet stupid you loose and that is the hard part. Gut feelings and loyalty aren't needed in this business.

If Mamelodi has won the Black-label cup 3 years running bet on it. If Pirates have never won a Black-label cup why are you betting on it?

Here's some website where you can bet sports:
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There are plenty of websites for you try and see for yourself. Justbe safe.
Thanks for reading


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