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Did Jesus Die For Everyone?

Did Jesus actually die for the World. 

I know what your thinking, Duhh! Well that seems to be the everyday sort of answer. We all have adapted to that ideology, so much that it's the first thing we think of when thinking about Christianity. 

There so are many concepts that churches and Christians preach that are so not true. It is as if the churches nit picks their favorite parts and preach that. This is so the real Christianity is dag down deep and shoved in.

Well with this question I hope to crack the mystery. I hope to show my readers that this topic is simply not as simple as they thought it was.

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Many evangelical Christians use this line "did you know Jesus died for you?" It may seem to be the most essential aspect of the whole Christian religion. It is the pillar of many people faith. 

Many churches have reference to where the Bible proves the claim to being correct. Here some examples:
- John 12: 47 "for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world". ESV
- John 3: 17 "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the World, but to save the world through Him". NIV
- John 1: 29
- John 3:16
Those are the most common scripture that many of my readers would use to defend the claim. And In-fact its true.

Image result for cross HDOf cause, if you are a Christian you ought to believe the the Bible is truth and is rich with Wisdom. Even some History lessons. So we need to accept John 3:17 and John 12:47 is correct.

Readers: What?? That's it? You got me Bibled up so that you can agree with me?
Writer: Hold on to your Bible, because its about to get busy.

Turn your Bible to Ephesians 1. Read the entire chapter.
- Ephesians 1: 4 "For he chose us..."
- Ephesians 1: 11 "In Him we are also chosen"

See the scriptures in Ephesians gets a bit fired up. See we learn that Jesus uses a lot of choosing. You learn after reading Ephesians 1 that God has already chosen who gets to live with Him in eternity. Meaning before you were born God already said that "you will not enter My Kingdom" or vice versa.

There could be a chance that before I was born I had a death sentence. #Hell :-(

God literally predestined us, #NotSoMuchFreeWill. Then rejected the majority of us. Goes through the judgement day scene. All that Drama! So in a way, many of us are just born to go to hell.
That's pretty unfair.
Many parts of the Bible Jesus uses the words "My people" which refers to His church. Where Jesus excludes others that aren't apart of this party. That seems to be pretty unfair.

In fact many theologians say that Jesus died for he Elect! Who are those? Well they are the one's which are chosen.
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Reader: Yes, even though, Jesus did died for everyone. And it is by their own decision to reject.
Writer: If Jesus died for everyone, then wouldn't everyone be in Heaven? Since everyone's sins are gone?
Reader: Yes, but!
Writer: No, there's no but. If Jesus took the sins of the world then the world technically becomes without sin and hence heaven for everyone.

Unfortunately that would be true. But that simply not the case.

No matter how much you flip your Bible to John 12:44. There's a truth in that verse.

Do you think when the scripture says "world" do you think it means everyone? Because maybe they have no commonality. I mean does the world mean 'everyone without distinction' or 'everyone without exception'.?

Image result for cross HDWell clearly I believe it is 'everyone without distinction'. 'Everyone without exception' refers to everyone in the entire human history. 'Everyone with distinction' means from every culture, race and language.

So did Jesus die for everyone: No. Jesus has not died for everyone. Or else He wouldn't be a Just God. Jesus died for the selected few. Luke 15: 1- 10, God would rather chase down this one sheep, and leave the rest to fall in the bottomless pit.

Why should God waste His energy for someone He already knew, that will reject Him. He knows. He is the past, present and future. So He knows who will bow and who will not. Its just more wise to not even bother with them from the beginning.

Its a scary thought isn't it. But how do you know if your those elected? Well the question I ask you is are you saved?

 Desiring God
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