Apartheid in South Africa
Apartheid in South Africa Apartheid was the perfect form of racism. It took centuries to develop, staring all the ay back in 1652 when the Dutch East India Company landed at the Cape of Good Hope and established a trading colony, Kaapstad, later known as Cape Town, a rest stop for ships traveling between Europe and India. To impose white rule, the Dutch colonists went to war with all the natives, ultimately developing a set of laws to subjugate and enslave them. When the British took over the Cape colony, the decendants of original Dutch settlers trekked inland and developed their own language, culture and customs, eventually becoming their own people, the Afrikaners - tha white tribe in Southern Africa. The British abolished slavery in nam but kept in practice. They did so because, in the mid 1800s, in what had ben written off as a near-worthless way station on the trad route to the Far East, a few lucky capitalists stumbled upon the richest gold and diamond reserves in th world,...