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Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid was the perfect form of racism. It took centuries to develop, staring all the ay back in 1652 when the Dutch East India Company landed at the Cape of Good Hope and established a trading colony, Kaapstad, later known as Cape Town, a rest stop for ships traveling between Europe and India. To impose white rule, the Dutch colonists went to war with all the natives, ultimately developing a set of laws to subjugate and enslave them. When the British took over the Cape colony, the decendants of original Dutch settlers trekked inland and developed their own language, culture and customs, eventually becoming their own people, the Afrikaners - tha white tribe in Southern Africa.
The British abolished slavery in nam but kept in practice. They did so because, in the mid 1800s, in what had ben written off as a near-worthless way station on the trad route to the Far East, a few lucky capitalists stumbled upon the richest gold and diamond reserves in th world, and an endless supply of expendable bodieswas needed to go undrground and get it all out.
As the British Empire fell, the Afrikaners rose up to claim South Africa as their rightful inheritance. To maintain power in the face of the country's rising and restless black majority, the government realized they needed a newer and more robust set of tools. Thy set up a formal commission to go out and study institutionalized racism all over the world. They went to Australia, Netherlands, America and and even India. They saw what worked and what didn't. Then they came back and published a report, and government used the knowledge to build the most advanced system of racial oppression known to humanity.
Apartheid was police state, a system of surveillance and laws designed to keep black poeple under total control. A full compendium of those laws would run to more than three thousand pages and weigh nearly five kilograms.

That was what apartheid was, it was laws. The laws hat generally stated blacks and whites are separated. The main law was the separation of everything. They had to make blacks dumber than the whites so they separated the laws of that. They had to make he blacks not get to the whites way of dreaming and thinking, so there were job allocations mad for the blacks.
The main education separation was essential. It didn't just stop with school NO, it went to the television. TV gives us an insight on the world and knowledge, so that is why blacks at a time could not watch TV (later could, but watched was monitored).
My reader ask how can just the law be so strong and keep people in line. Well to almost everybody they base their wrongs and rights to the law, so if the law says drinking in public is wrong many people assume that it's wrong, and that is the way many of us think.
That is why it worked, because we thought that was the way it was suppose to be.

Anouther core aspect of apartheid was to make everyone feel different. From blacks, coloreds, whites, I

ndians and Khosians (at the time). Everyone felt different, even if they were in th same struggle.

So Apartheid eventually cracked, and black people took the opening. It cracked because white became stupid. They began by letting the monkeys have their own shows on TV that was of their language (simply because they thought about money). They later allowed the monkeys to go to university and get smarter. From there blacks got clever and asked is this the way of living.
Do you know Animal farm the book? The animals were all dumb (that was because of Napoleons Laws) and the animals were stuck in oppression because they had nothing o compare their lifestyle with (by knowledge).
The old education system taught to blacks was called Bantu education which was count how many plants you will grow in he "awesome" white mans farm.
Well long story short blacks got clever, stars like Steve Biko and Oliver Tambo promoted what blacks can do for themselves and later apartheid broke.

I personally believe the apartheid was so strong that we would still be in on in  SA if the whites just stayed focus and stopped being greedy for money.

Thanks for reading

All color groups had their own toilets.

massacre caused by apartheid government

Read to kill a mocking bird. Great book. intensifies what I am saying in depth.


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