Yondlers Visitors

Fees Must Fall 2016

Fees Must Fall Goerge??

This topic that I'd like to raise is one that is in many South Africa's mind. This topic is the one and only, Fees must fall. The fees must fall march seemed to of grabbed many South Africans attention.

Well in 2016 and 2015 South Africa encountered one of its biggest march in the country. This march grabbed South Africa's attention because it wasn't a regular "hey, pay me more money" type of march, but this was a march like no other. This was given the reason because it was a march held by South Africa's youth.
South Africa's youth had a march on for the fact universities were increasing tuition fees by 8% for all university courses within SA. The youth were angry at that point and began to march to sop the increase of fees and this march was called the fees must all march.
Students from all government universities were marching for the stop of the increasing of fees. To be specific the only students that took part in this march was mainly the student that attended public universities (government universities).
The university's leaders agreed to the increase due to the fact they simply wanted more money. Business is about profit, so the chairs and shareholders wanted more by increasing university fees. Not that they weren't making profit, but they just wanted more. Imagine every year you have five hundred costumers, sold them R1 lollipop and at the end of the each year you made R500 (assuming that. Eventually (due to inflation) R500 won't be enough and profit need to be increase either through increase of sale or marketing approach.

This increase of fees is outstandingly high. Due to the fact most of South Africa's citizens are below the poverty line (which is quiet unfortunate). Well due to the fact that the poverty line is such a thin line university is not much of a choice for most South Africans. The increase was just going to allow more students to fall below in the line of "university isn't a choice for me".
The fees must fall march was a something South Africa will have to record in the history books. This as I said is because the march showed the unity of the youth and the . youth being independent (standing for themselves and not going to mummy and daddy).
I love what the march represented with it's disadvantages and advantages. Though there were quite some disadvantages.
Despite the fact the universities decided to not go forward with the the increase of fees, the students still decided to march. Through out SA they wondered why they continued and even mocked them. But I agree with them continuing.
Think about it, they won the battle but did they actually win the war. When I was in high school the school fees increase with R100 every year for all academic levels, and they were only answerable to SARS. Same thing can happen with the university, they can increase the tuition bit by bit by bit and who would know (better question why would you fight such a small change of fees). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that is a prime business strategy to increase profitability.

Not just only that. Remember education is a right not a privilege. We must allow education to accessible to everyone from all economic statuses.
In England the government opens accounts for new born babies to fund them for University, which in the turns of it university is actually free for British people. You can't come to me and tell me that the dropping of fees will drop academic standards. How is that even possible? Because England's universities are rated to be one of the best throughout the whole world and it costs nothing.
Countries like France and German offer free education which are at quality (we know that because they economy is strong due to the intelligent people running it, who so happened schooled in that country).
A lot of people come to me telling me the value of education will drop bla bla and bla bla. That is not true and never will be true. Free things don't mean they com at bad quality, but they typically comes at high value. 
Last week I got a free game promo (free game which is on promotion) for PS4 (the game is mad max). The game has everything the original Mad Max game has except the fact it has promo written on it. Do you see what I mean?

Education should be free. Due to he fact that this was the first ever real march based that we had in ages, that means something (not just to get rid of some president, but to empower the people through education), no South African stood to help. Our youth stood up, but the elders stood and watch, because they prefer to march for Pepp's to increase their wages by 5%, where's the sense in that.
This country is breaking apart, we aren't united anymore, because when someone stood for something worth while we stood and walked away. 
But of cause the elders know what's right!!

Quiet a few of South Africa's youth died and some arrested, all for the sake of what's right.
So in fact when the marches where taking place I was on the side walk cheering and supporting. Isn't it we care what other countries think? Well they probably thinking we crashing our way to hell.

But of cause, much like many things in South Africa it's not government owned. So of cause it won't make sense for university to be free. What happen to the freedom charter Madiba (which said the government will run all South Africa's institutes).
Question I ask my readers is who's side do you stand with? The right side or the wrong side?

This article was inspired by Mr Ziramba, thank you for giving me a great political view of the world.


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