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Trade War 1

I will not doubt the fact that this trade war has grabbed thousands of news outlets attention. I was watching the Daily Show hosting Trevor Noah not so long ago and the Trade War seemed to of grabbed my attention. CNN and BBC are covering this story intensely.

See based on my old knowledge of China it was a loyal ally to the US government. In fact China is a loyal ally to every country. Islam attacks aren’t aimed to the Chinese, in fact I have learnt it’s the opposite of that.

Effects - On Trade War

This trade war has effected over hundreds of countries and companies. Especially that of South Africa. The rand to dollars and euro (USD/ZAR & GBP/ZAR) has hit low. From the time Cyril Ramaphosa became president to this trade war South Africa rand was on the increase. So in the election I will not use the fact that the rand is decreasing against him, its clearly South Africa (and other countries) caught dead center of the trade war.

The trade war has direct effects towards the countries in the driver’s seat. The US Dollar has hit a spiral of increase during this. Something I myself have not anticipated.

Donald Trump confirmed some technicalities of the trading sector to Britain. From there the British pound (GBP) has as well hit the increase.

Some economist have predicted that the trade war will not happen and this is only a transferring of threats. This there go should allow normal stock markets to proceed as normal and not affect the markets that are closely linked the potential trade war.

Other economist have already anticipated the trade war already beginning. Within the trade war already happening. Some predict a draw with the opponents wearing each other out. Many conclude, just like Trump, that it will be a fast win. Many surprisingly view the potential of China taking the lead of thing.

Question I want to leave my audience what will happen to the US Dollar if China wins the trade war? If China wins this, would this mean even a shift to super power? In fact perhaps I am thinking ahead of time, what will happen to the currencies when the trade war officially starts.

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