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Marvel vs DC

Marvel vs DC

Image result for dc wallpaper

Once upon a time there were two companies. MARVEL and DC

Image result for marvel vs dc
imagine if this was real
Chill out though, its a fact picture.
AKA, JL will win
Like how Apple challenges Windows. Like how the Xbox challenges the play station. Today let us talk about how DC Comics and Marvel Comics challenge one another.

The two offer more or less the same product which hence allows a firm rivalry between them. I choose to figure out which is more successful.

We have to understand that both the two industries have different portals of income being made, which are more or less the same. The different incomes can be compared to, then later have a certain winner. Simply as both are entities; we determine success in entities by money.

For this research, I want to break down which aspects which organization is well in success and later count the marks to obtain a winner. Let us start with what wikipedia has to say about the two.

DC Comics, Inc. is an American comic book publisher. It is the publishing unit of DC Entertainment,[3][4] a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., a division of Time Warner. DC Comics is one of the largest and oldest American comic book companies, and produces material featuring numerous well-known heroic characters including SupermanBatman. Found in1934.

Marvel Comics is the common name and primary imprint of Marvel Worldwide Inc., formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, a publisher of American comic books and related media. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Worldwide's parent company.
Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications


Spider man vs Batman

I do not want to waste time.
So this battle is a heavy one but it is needed. It is Marvel vs DC.
Just the faces of them basically. It is almost like seeing Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates in battle as they are the faces of the two brands.

Release DateMovieProduction
Box Office
Box Office
May 3, 2002Spider-Man$139,000,000$114,844,116$403,706,375$821,706,375
Jun 30, 2004Spider-Man 2$200,000,000$88,156,227$373,524,485$795,110,670
May 4, 2007Spider-Man 3$258,000,000$151,116,516$336,530,303$894,860,230
Jul 3, 2012The Amazing Spider-Man$220,000,000$62,004,688$262,030,663$757,890,267Play
May 2, 2014The Amazing Spider-Man 2$200,000,000$91,608,337$202,853,933$708,996,336Play
Jul 7, 2017Spider-Man: Homecoming$175,000,000$117,027,503$334,201,140$880,206,511Play

Release DateMovieProduction
Box Office
Box Office
Jun 23, 1989Batman$35,000,000$40,489,746$251,188,924$411,348,924
Jun 18, 1992Batman Returns$80,000,000$45,687,710$162,833,635$266,824,291
Dec 25, 1993Batman: Mask of the Phantasm$1,406,291$5,617,391$5,617,391
Jun 16, 1995Batman Forever$100,000,000$52,784,433$184,031,112$336,529,144
Jun 20, 1997Batman & Robin$125,000,000$42,872,605$107,325,195$238,317,814
Jun 15, 2005Batman Begins$150,000,000$48,745,440$205,343,774$359,142,722

Jul 18, 2008The Dark Knight$185,000,000$158,411,483$533,345,358$1,001,620,618
Jul 20, 2012The Dark Knight Rises$275,000,000$160,887,295$448,139,099$1,084,439,099Play


I got numbers of marvels and DC's face. Batman and spider-man is clearly the face of the two brands. more resources are used for the two superheroes. that i have to respect. I have to admit batman has been on the movie industry for some time. The June 23 1989 Batman hit the charts with $400 million, at the time that is record breaking. That batman movie did better than The world is not enough James Bond.

The Dark Knight 2008 beats all of Spider-mans franchise, hitting over a billion world wide box office.

I think we should get goofy and go a little nerdy. So here's a video clip of what would happens if Batman were to face spider mans. Though I disagree with the video as Batman has the ability to think, something spider-man does do. Batman would retreat and come up with spider mans weakness like he did with superman. the video forgets that batman is brilliantly smart enough to beat spider-man with mind games and tricks.

Comic book sales

Looking at the comic sales Marvel goes constant.
It is without a doubt Marvel sells comics better and more consistently than DC. Marvel does better with both unit share and dollar share.

But I would like to tackle the movie industry for a short time. Marvels main storyline which represent the face of the brand is Avengers. The DC's main story line is represented in the the Justice League. I figured why not invest some time to see which is favored the most. I believe unraveling this peace of information might open a new view point.

Justice League vs Marvel

Just the reason I choose not unravel it because it won't be fair. The Marvel studio are on their flipping third Marvel movie dude, whilst DC just only released their third. As much as Marvel as a business competitive advantage DC Justice League still made more than their Marvels two first Avengers movies. Proof:

- Injustice League   (Goerge)
Worldwide: $657,924,295
- Avengers 1 (Goerge)
Marvel's The AvengersBV$623,357,910

Avengers Age of Ultron
Avengers: Age of UltronBV$459,005,868

So yeah injustice kicked of their day view with over 30 million more than Avengers 1. I guess the movies sector it is clear that DC may be winning. Despite them having a competitive disadvantage in terms of being early. But perhaps the earliest bird does not catch the fattest worm. It's how you take the worm down.

Gaming War

I want to take a moment to take about the gaming sector. What I mean by the gaming sector I mean Xbox and PlayStation. Marvels most famous gaming releases is spider man. DC famous gaming releases go out to the Justice League and the Dark Knight game series. It is without further due to clearly mention the Dark Knight and Justice League games have received the best reviews in comparison to the marvel games reviews.  Hit the Goerge link. Justice League 2 is rated 39th in the ranking.

Related image

Image result for injustice 2 wallpaper


Additional Information

So far you have a flipping best of both worlds. We have Batman movie selling better than almost all single Marvel movie. You have DC winning in the gaming sector and then Marvel winning in the comic book sales. Both of these company's are at head to head.

You even have DC selling more marvel goodies as opposed to Marvels. Goerge
Yes DC sells more toys and makes more money I think in that section.

I have never studied or observed such competitive race between the two brands.

As you know Marvels is owned by Disney and DC by Warner Bros, both showing they are in great hands of the movie industry. Yet look, Disney goes all out with their movies (especially with funding and budgets) there-go perhaps Marvel might win. Yet on the other hand Warner Bros grab the eyes of audience with movies like Harry Potter, Hobbit and flipping Mad Max.

Feel free to hit a comment below on the company you feel is the best.

I love their creativity and the intimacy we as audience get in the villains. Even Stan Lee gave credit to DC for how they get their fans to get intimate with the bad guys. Though I love Marvels epic and ability to keep things simple and awesome.



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