Christian Part 1: Truth of Chritianity
Yondlers hottest article.
I hope you all enjoy the content. No pictures here.. It's to deep.
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John the Baptist baptizing Jesus Christ. :-) |
In this article I want to begin and enravel all the big question most people have on Christianity. I will
not at any point or refer to where I retrieved the questions, but I can ensure they are real questions
that are asked. I think the questions I choose to answer are so common. What I mean by common,
it is asked a lot on social media and in the conversation I've been in it.
not at any point or refer to where I retrieved the questions, but I can ensure they are real questions
that are asked. I think the questions I choose to answer are so common. What I mean by common,
it is asked a lot on social media and in the conversation I've been in it.
So before I start I want to give my viewers information to how will this questions be done. I will have
three series on questions answering. First will be for non-believers, second for junior believers and
third for like deep believers. To define believers, I mean someone who believes in the Jesus Christ.
three series on questions answering. First will be for non-believers, second for junior believers and
third for like deep believers. To define believers, I mean someone who believes in the Jesus Christ.
This post is part one as the title indicates.
Lets begin:
Why are Christians supposed to be devoted to studying
the Bible?
2 Peter 2: 2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3 if so
be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
I Think this verse answers the question. As Christians are supposed to desire the Bible, if one is a
Christians. Being Christian is not just a title but a lifestyle and a relationship; and heck even a marriage.
So there is some level of desire given to the Christians by God to want to know God.
Christians. Being Christian is not just a title but a lifestyle and a relationship; and heck even a marriage.
So there is some level of desire given to the Christians by God to want to know God.
Isaiah 26:8 Yea, in the way of thy judgment, O LORD, have we waited for thee; the desires of our soul
is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee.
is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee.
This scripture shows a Christians is given some sort of desire and they portray them, in things like
reading the Word of God.
reading the Word of God.
Perhaps if your a Christian or keen to be one, pray for the desire to have meditate in the word.
Matthew 7:7 Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Why is reading the Bible boring to some others?
I think the answer to this is very simple. If you don’t have interest in something you won’t
enjoy it.
enjoy it.
Matthew 7:6 Give not that is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and red you.
lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and red you.
The Bible even says, those that are not of God will not be attracted to the word of God. To be
honest that is the plane truth.
honest that is the plane truth.
I had no interest in Forex exchange, and the reports had no interest for me. Until of cause
someone approached me and perhaps interest arouse.
someone approached me and perhaps interest arouse.
Didn’t whites give blacks the Bible, as the whites took
the land?
Look land and slavery is a big topic and one I at times try to avoid. The truth is that is not the
Based on my research evidently I have not found that perhaps we all have a misconception.
To start Christianity (Judaism) has been proven to have orginated within Africa.
“In his book, The Early Church in Africa, Dr. John Mbiti outlines the fact that the message of
Jesus penetrated Africa before it ever reached Europe. "Christianity in Africa is so old that it
can be rightly described as an indigenous, traditional and African religion," says Dr. Mbiti.3
Jesus penetrated Africa before it ever reached Europe. "Christianity in Africa is so old that it
can be rightly described as an indigenous, traditional and African religion," says Dr. Mbiti.3
The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch described in the Book of Acts predates the apostle
Paul's first missionary journey into Europe by a number of years. There is clear, historical
documentation of the church in Africa by the third century. Christianity was the dominant
religion in North Africa and most notably Egypt.
Paul's first missionary journey into Europe by a number of years. There is clear, historical
documentation of the church in Africa by the third century. Christianity was the dominant
religion in North Africa and most notably Egypt.
Egyptian and North African scholars such as Clement, Origen, Tertullian, and Athanasius are
widely recognized as fathers of the church. By the year 300, Egypt had more than a million
Christians. In the sixth century, Christianity spread to the Nubian Kingdoms, soon becoming
the dominant religion. The Christian Nubian Kingdoms survived for 700 years, resisting
attempted domination by Muslim conquerors for 600 of those years.
widely recognized as fathers of the church. By the year 300, Egypt had more than a million
Christians. In the sixth century, Christianity spread to the Nubian Kingdoms, soon becoming
the dominant religion. The Christian Nubian Kingdoms survived for 700 years, resisting
attempted domination by Muslim conquerors for 600 of those years.
The Egyptian Coptic Church in the Sudan and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church still exist today.
Though persecuted, their presence is testimony to the historicity of Christianity in Africa.4
There is growing evidence that the long-standing presence of Christianity in the Nile Valley
and in present-day Ethiopia provided a base for the introduction of Christianity in Southern
and Western Africa.
Though persecuted, their presence is testimony to the historicity of Christianity in Africa.4
There is growing evidence that the long-standing presence of Christianity in the Nile Valley
and in present-day Ethiopia provided a base for the introduction of Christianity in Southern
and Western Africa.
In summary, the assertion that Christianity is the "white man's religion" is neither historically
accurate nor currently true. The first African Christians were not American slaves. The
Christian heritage in Africa goes all the way back to the days of the Bible itself.”
accurate nor currently true. The first African Christians were not American slaves. The
Christian heritage in Africa goes all the way back to the days of the Bible itself.”
Quoting Charles Glimer
( accessed 2018/04/22) article takes the the
real perception into play.
( accessed 2018/04/22) article takes the the
real perception into play.
If in historical evidence proves the origin perhaps God has changed some hearts already.
Look I mean read the book of Exodus in the Bible. It’s about a man called Moses who
attempts thousands of people (in God's protection, coordination and guidance) to the promise
land (that God promised), from Egypt (key fact, the word Egypt means a country in Africa).
Keep in mind this book of Exodus plays our right after Genesis. So this is literally the second
book of the Bible.
attempts thousands of people (in God's protection, coordination and guidance) to the promise
land (that God promised), from Egypt (key fact, the word Egypt means a country in Africa).
Keep in mind this book of Exodus plays our right after Genesis. So this is literally the second
book of the Bible.
Look, the Bible does not promote slavery in any how. My cousin fiance laughed at me with
the argument I gave.
the argument I gave.
Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of
heart, just as you would obey Christ.
heart, just as you would obey Christ.
The Bible talks of a peaceful form of slavery. In this context, a slave and master is supposed
to be as employee and employer. Just the word has been changed and became evil.
to be as employee and employer. Just the word has been changed and became evil.
One definition of slave that comes out of everybody's attention is: A person who is legally obliged
by prior contract (oral or written) to work for another, with contractually limited rights to bargain; an
indentured servant (this information was obtained from Wikipedia
accessed 2018/04/22).
by prior contract (oral or written) to work for another, with contractually limited rights to bargain; an
indentured servant (this information was obtained from Wikipedia
accessed 2018/04/22).
Yes perhaps the Bible was used as propaganda and that was wrong on those that used it as
such, and not on the Bible. The Word of God is pure and brings life.
such, and not on the Bible. The Word of God is pure and brings life.
Proverbs 3:1 the word of God giveth life.
Do blacks do not need the Bible?
Yes the blacks need the Bible. The blacks, whites and e.t.c need Jesus. We need our God and creator.
Understands something. Many blacks within the bad and slavery days could not read. From almost
90% of the blacks worldwide at that point could not read (that is a bad estimate).
90% of the blacks worldwide at that point could not read (that is a bad estimate).
So considering education was given to some blacks, many blacks could not read the Bible. At all.
Given that this was a extreme racial time many white missionaries refused to preach/evangelize to the
Given that this was a extreme racial time many white missionaries refused to preach/evangelize to the
So this makes you think, where did the blacks get the ability to read the Bible (in slavery of African
American and before Bantu education got upgraded at a reading level). This just implies that perhaps
the blacks wanted to read the Bible that bad they did anything necessary.
American and before Bantu education got upgraded at a reading level). This just implies that perhaps
the blacks wanted to read the Bible that bad they did anything necessary.
I read To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee. There was this page where the father and the two white
kids went to black church. All the individuals of the black church were shook to see a white men in
their church. This highlights white missionaries rarely ever approached blacks, to point where like one
out of million did. That’s nothing to how the Bible became popular to blacks.
kids went to black church. All the individuals of the black church were shook to see a white men in
their church. This highlights white missionaries rarely ever approached blacks, to point where like one
out of million did. That’s nothing to how the Bible became popular to blacks.
The book also says the kids noticed that they would get a someone within the black community to
read the Bible. Highlighting even pastors couldn’t read. So showing blacks to be that desperate to be
in the Word of God. But yet you say blacks don’t want the Bible.
read the Bible. Highlighting even pastors couldn’t read. So showing blacks to be that desperate to be
in the Word of God. But yet you say blacks don’t want the Bible.
I watched some apartheid documentaries highlighting many white churches believed blacks weren’t
humans but monkeys therego can’t be given the Bible. Many whites would never want a black man to
hold a Bible. Then social media highlights that whites want us to have the Bible, as they take the lands.
humans but monkeys therego can’t be given the Bible. Many whites would never want a black man to
hold a Bible. Then social media highlights that whites want us to have the Bible, as they take the lands.
Don’t forget many people fighting for their right were inspired by Jesus Christ. Many Luther King's and
nelson Mandela’s quotes is in parallel to the Bible. Let us talk about Desmond Tutu, Bishop Richard
Allen, James Cone, Howard Thurman and Trevor Huddleston (all christians who fought the unjust law).
nelson Mandela’s quotes is in parallel to the Bible. Let us talk about Desmond Tutu, Bishop Richard
Allen, James Cone, Howard Thurman and Trevor Huddleston (all christians who fought the unjust law).
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
God is for me and you, and he never forsake us the blacks and the Israelite (even at times
when we doubted).
when we doubted).
Is the Bible Relevant?
Yes the Bible is relevant.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and
attitudes of the heart.
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and
attitudes of the heart.
Matthews 24: 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
This is God saying dude my word is more eternal and everlasting and relevant than the
Jordans shoe you own and the math book that will change in 5 years time.
Jordans shoe you own and the math book that will change in 5 years time.
What ethnic color was Jesus Christ?
I hate the fact of racial conflict has spilled to what is pure.
But let use just answer this for the sake of answering. The Bible teaches us to take out truth, so we must do that. Truth is historically Jesus was brown.
Look for me Jesus can be blue and I would still sing Holy is the Lamb.
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I prefer my Jesus with dreads. He looks like Rasta :-) What's awesome is you can also choose your Jesus. Pick a Jesus any Jesus :-) |
I read Trevor Noah's book "Born a Crime". One part he said his grandmother used to ask him to pray because she believe God answered white men faster than blacks, so she perhaps believed in a white Jesus. That is okay too. Your Jesus can be any color.
Just don't spoil everyone else's Jesus by bombarding your Jesus is the right one.
Jesus is the Incarnation; God made Flesh. God has no colour, no race, no ethnicity, no caste, no gender.
But here's a link of a website that bla and bla's about his color. I choose not to talk about it cause it matters not of his color. I fall in love with God, His personality and character displayed in the Bible and not His color.
Christianity is judgmental, yet Christians are not supposed to be judgmental?
Yes people that follow Christ are jugdemental.
Romans 3: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
I am sorry to the world there are bad representative of the God. But the issue I try stress out
is do not see what they are doing. But read for yourself the Bible. Hear the Word of God of
true fruits of God. And trust me you will know, as they are salty to you.
is do not see what they are doing. But read for yourself the Bible. Hear the Word of God of
true fruits of God. And trust me you will know, as they are salty to you.
Matthew 5: 13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be
made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled
made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled
I for one am tired of lies built around the religion I love, the God I love.
I hope this article reaches your heart well. I hope this article allows you to see that social media has
drunken up your perception that you consider it ultimate wisdom. Many believe the higher likes, the
more factual. If that was the case Kim Kardashian must be PHD genius.
drunken up your perception that you consider it ultimate wisdom. Many believe the higher likes, the
more factual. If that was the case Kim Kardashian must be PHD genius.
Join the Christian movement please. Or find a church and see sermons to see what we all about. I
recommend you hala at me or someone you think portrays a jesus trait (and follows Jesus) to give
you great recommendations.
recommend you hala at me or someone you think portrays a jesus trait (and follows Jesus) to give
you great recommendations.

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