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How To Escape The Friend Zone

Goerge? How do I get out of the friend zone?

I have took some time asking the question how individuals get out of the friend zone. Something which made me wonder. So before we get deeper I tried to hit the definition of the friend zone.

friend zone
  1. a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an un-reciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other.

So if you press the Goerge button it will take you to the link I obtain the information.

Well first of all it all boils down to the laws of attraction. I mean If she has any form of attractions with you, the last thing she would do is friend zone you. So the question should be narrowed to how do I become attractive.

I am not trying to offend anyone, by saying the friend is not attracted to you. Look at this. Everyone in the world is attracted to their special sort of man. Our types are extremely different. So what I mean is she just doesn't see you as her type.

Attraction is the pillar of everything. I mean the first impression you give the female gives her the subconsciously will of making a decision to whether to see a future with you.

Okay. So how will we play this?

Well I guess we have to look for what majority of the women are attracted to. But I have noticed not all women age group aren't looking for the same thing. At all. Young small girls are mostly attracted to young boys who are popular. Young adults are looking for their own type. Same with older women.

But look? we are all humans. Meaning we are all humans. Like every animal in the animal kingdom there will be, some common grounds in attraction. No doubt about that all female mockingbirds are attracted to the best singer. Hyenas female are attracted to the best ranked Hyena. So there are some common ground.

I mean if we look at it in a biological way there will be a common ground. Going the law of natural selection, the females are only mate with the strongest and are best fitted to survived. Which I suppose in Giraffe

One thing I have noticed is all women are attracted to men with some financial stability. I know some women will find this to be untrue but it is in a way. You can't deny the fact that majority of the women in the world we live in are attracted to good financial men.

This thing of being attracted to well financial men isn't new. Old family arranged marriage practised looking for well financial established men for their female relatives. Zulu past, had Zulu family looked for Zulu men with well established wealth. Zulu's at the time (before the apartheid) determine wealth with the amount of cows, pigs or donkeys one had.

India and parts of Africa still practise arranged marriages and they practise seeking well established men for their female family members. That is just factual. So this thing of finding well establish men is just common and perhaps built in our DNA.

Animal female seek a individual animal male that can sustain the tribe of the animal. This can be backed up with natural selection.

natural selection
  1. the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin, and it is now regarded as be the main process that brings about evolution

So in regard the animals which will produce more offspring, is the drawn out by the common trait had to all the other individual specie animal. Let's look at a Giraffe. There could be a tribe of 7 Giraffe within my scenario being made. There could be majority of the small or large percentage of Giraffe in that tribe having favourable characteristic to assist it for better survival. Based on Charles Darwin, those favourable characteristic on the Giraffe will be more likely to produce more offspring. Which this may indicate that female Giraffe were drawn to the favoured characteristics and suppose decided to mate.

So if humans there-go are animals, bound to nature. Deep within there must be some natural selection at play. I guess that it's not seen in the simple way like the animal kingdom, but played in a more complex manner.

I mention this because I believe once we figure out what all women are attracted to, then there won't be any friend zone. Thus getting out of thee friend zone explicitly. I mean if you meet the requirement of being attractive to all female humans, then you won't be friend zoned.

So did a little background search search and found what some say women are attracted to.

Wear red

2010 cross-cultural study— with participants from China, England, Germany, and the US — found that women are most attracted to men wearing red.
In one experiment from the study, 55 female undergrads looked at a colour photo of a man in either a red or green shirt, and then rated the man's attractiveness.
Sure enough, the man was rated significantly more attractive when he was wearing a red shirt. The results were similar when researchers compared the red shirt to other colour shirts as well.
Interestingly, participants generally weren't aware that the man's clothing colour was influencing their perceptions of his attractiveness.

Please do not in box me why women are attracted to red. I have no idea. But I can assume. Women like men who stand out immensely. So one way you stand out is what you wear. I walk out every day I find men always wear dark colours. Most common black and grey. You need to be lucky to find a man wearing more brighter colours. I suppose the fact a man is wearing bright colour is a form of standing out.

I can prove we all like things that stand out. Go to a lecture hall, he individual that raise his hands the most and gave thee most bizarre response will be remembered more than anyone within the lecture hall. That is simply because he stood out. If that does not spark memory. Try the time you went to high school with school uniform, the kid with no uniform will be spotted easily.

I assume women are attracted to that. But why the colour red? I suppose red has so much meaning nowadays, it means love and evil and anger. I suppose they attracted to the representation of what it means.

This is me at my prom. I stood out I suppose cause of the pink jacket. I can prove it cause honey's who never thought they could talk to me did.

But I just think perhaps this another way of saying be courageous. To be courageous is to wear something like a pink jacket. So perhaps wearing red is a from of being courageous.

Fact 4: An athletic body

Now before you hit the gym and load up on protein supplements, read ahead. Researchers have found that out of all the body shapes, women in general seem to prefer a “V-shaped” athletic body on a man; that is to say a strong and well-defined musculature on the upper body and a narrow and slim waist. So if you’re lacking in this department, it might be time to get yourself an advantage with a good exercise and diet plan.

In a 2007 University of California at Los Angeles study, 286 women looked at pictures of shirtless men and indicated which ones seemed like they would make the best long- and short-term partners.
Results showed that women were more likely to want short-term relationships with the guys who had big muscles. 
The evolutionary signal at work here? 
Sexual characteristics like muscularity are "cues of genes that increase offspring viability or reproductive success," say authors David A. Frederick and Martie G. Haselton.

This doesn't mean all women will want a man with a good body. The study only finds that they *prefer* it. Look I can understand why women are attracted to healthy men. By the way having a good body represent your healthy! I mean good health shows you look after yourself, hence you are able to look after the women. Plus I mean studies show the influence TV has on us is massive. The TV tells women the ideal man got six pack, there go its a common trait through out.

My Fact: Women are attracted to Financial Stability.

Look you cannot women aren't attracted to some form of financial stability. I love the women who openly admit it. Look I was talking to this female I met at University of Pretoria. I asked her what was her type and she said: 1. she loves a man who dress nicely, 2. well spoken, 3. kind, 4. good hygiene. Let me tell you something 3 of the 4 things she mentioned requires money. 1. to be nicely dress requires money :-(. 2. To be well spoken requires money, it requires education for that (preferably mostly found in private schools) which needs money. 4. Good hygiene requires hela money, for water, lotion, roll on and e.t.c.

because if it was the case you do not care about some financial stability. Go and date a man in the street. Notice what i said there? "Some level of financial stability". Key word, meaning women can like a wealthy man or just a good middle class earning man. What I have noticed there are men in poverty, yet , but thy look like they in the middle class. Perhaps perceiving that your financially stable might work.

Qualities That Women Find Highly Attractive In Men

You don’t have to have all of these traits, but you must develop some of them if you want to pull women toward you instead of away from you.
  • Kindness
  • Courageousness
  • Faithfulness
  • Masculinity
  • Authenticity
  • Passion
  • Intelligence

A caring and protective man.
A caring and protective man.
  • Good Grooming
  • Good Lover
  • Moral Character
  • Decisiveness
  • Tenderness
  • Protectiveness
  • Reliability
  • Helpfulness
  • Maturity
  • Emotionally Stable
  • Economically Responsible
  • Humour
  • Caring
  • Forgiving
  • Patience
  • Humility
  • Integrity
  • Generosity of spirit
  • Chivalry

I think I backup to all. Goerge....
Send a comment to this post if you disagree :-)

I mentioned all these traits women like proven by science because if experiments proved to be correct, why not try them. If you can't get a girl by you, try science.

Most people noticed every girl like a bad boy. Thing is most bad boys look wealthy and have courage, there go hence why they attracted to them.

Try seeing how this individual broke the friend zone. He attempts to see what the general public had to say.

Try how he takes fashion to the next level. What you wear establishes your economic background. What you wear establishes whether you are trending. What you wear scores you a job and a wife.

What you wear makes managers at clothing stores decide whether to have someone follow you or to help you.

What you wear Just says everything really.

I want to thank you for your time. It took me two days to make this video.


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