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Zambia We Need To Talk


Composition of export
With Zambia scoring 9,688 USD million 2015, let us unravel where all that score is in.
- Cathode/refined copper cathodes 52.9%
- Copper blisters 18.9%
- Sulfuric acid, oleum in bulk 2.3%
- Copper (excl. master alloys, unwrought) 1.4%
- Articles of cobalt 1.2%
-Semi-manufactured gold 1.2%
- Precious and semi-precious stones 1.0%
- Wire of refined copper 0.9%
- Other 20.2%
Zambia's main export and revenue in the world economy is Copper. Which in my opinion is at no problem. But imagine if there was no copper? Almost 4,000 million of the export would have vanished.

Composition of import
With Zambia buying 9.549 USD million in international trade, in 2015. Question we plea is where did the money go into.
- Machinery and transport equipment 31.7%
- Fuels 14.0%
- chemicals 13.5%
- Transport equipment 8.9%
- Automotive products 7.8%
- Agricultural products 5.3%
- Iron and steel 2.9%
- Office and telecom equipment 2.5%
- Pharmaceuticals 2.3%
So far we can't make any comments. As a South African and never stepping in Zambia I do not know what is Zambia's needs.

Keep in mind all of the sources in this article is conducted from United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

But one thing that bothers me is the 2.3% Pharmaceuticals. The life expectancy in Zambia is 53 (conducted in Zambia). There been a steady rise to 53 (2014), from 51 (2010), 47 (2000) and 47 (1990). The life expectancy in 2015 in the world is 71 years of age. So as Zambia makes a steady rise to fixing the life expectancy It needs to change with bigger effects. More budget needs to be pumped in buying pharmaceuticals. The Zambian government needs allow medicine and treatments to be more accessible in Zambia. With Zambia having HIV and Malaria issues more medicines needs to be made available.

Zambia is one country that has great respects of education. With more than 81% of the population having literacy. They had primary school attendance rise from 73% to 78.2% (from 2006 to 2010). one research I discovered is Zambia only has two mainstream university. So you have Zambia having high rates of literacy, but so few opportunities for them to maximize.

Zambia has a current account in the world is a deficit of 401 million USD (2015). Meaning every Zambian owes 26 USD to the world bank. As the population was 15.41 million. Just pay your debt Zambia, don't be like the USA.

By the way they have 26% of the people having electricity. ONLY 26%. That makes no sense since they so rich in copper.

This is why i believe the country should imply more money to Medicine.
Almost 6% of the country have HIV.
"50 percent of under-5 hospital admissions are due to malariaMalaria accounts for 20 percent of maternal deaths. Though Zambia has made strides in malariaprevention and control in the last five years, it still kills more children under the age of five than any other disease or illness.

Furthermore thank you. I love Zambia.
But other than that their currency is amazing and the people are great. Having a few Zambian friends, I should know.


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