Yondlers Visitors

Rwanda We Need To Talk


Health: Rwanda has improved their health system from 1000 deaths per 100, 000  births. in 2000/01 (that is 1 person in every 100 people) to only 210. That to me is amazing. The numbers drop to almost 21%, by 79%. this to me is remarkable.

Poverty: The extreme poverty rate has fallen rapidly, declining from 24.1% in 2010/11 to 16.3% in 2013/14. That to me is remarkable change.

With implication, it makes me believe the government in Rwanda want to change the lives of the ordinary man, and that to me is amazing.

Demography: Rwanda has high percentage of youth ages. 41% of the population in 2012 were under the age of 14. That is a lot. With this the government needs to control the fertility rate. Well apparently to the UN the fertality rate from 6.1 to 4.2 in 2005. Rwanda is a country I can say destined to want change within the community.

Keep in mind, I never been to Rwanda, so I do not the under surface of the country.

The account they have with the world bank is 1.3 USD billion in deficit.

Rwanda requires more Investors to try recover to from the deficit in the world bank.

Composition of expert
Lets dig deep to where Rwanda makes revenue from trading in the worlds economy.
- Tea 20.1%
- Coltan 19,0%
- Cassiterite 10.9%
- Coffee 6.9%
- Wolfman 5.9%
- Hides and skin 3.4%
- Pythrum 0.6%
- Others 34.2%
I like the way that Rwanda's source of income is spread out.They try to spread all of their expertise equally. i can't lay a complaint on that.

Composition of imports
Lets look where Rwanda takes their money
- Consumer goods 31%
- Intermediary goods 30.4%
- Captiaal goods 26.4%
- Energy & lubricants 12.2%
If Rwanda spent more of their resource trying to improve entrepreneurship within the country, they would have saved half of their spending.
Rwanda should perhaps try make revenue through tourism. With such rich history, alot of people would love to visit Rwanda is they were only approached.

275.2 million USD is income Rwanda gets from exports and 1,134.1 million USD is expense they spend on maintaining their life style.

Rwanda is having a recurring debt and the government needs to find a solution to fix that specific issue.


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