Yondlers Visitors

Probably New South Africa

J Z (SA)

As Cyril Rhamaphosa makes a stand to South Africa, we may face a brighter future.

It is as if he faces corruption dead in the eye. He hasn't done nothing major yet, but his presence as the president of the ANC has made waves for South Africa.

Corruption might be dying!!

Our Gupta's have left - Probably -

Earlier in March, Africa Confidential reported that the Gupta brothers were in the process of leaving South Africa for good, due to the surrounding political wave against them.
At the time, the Gupta’s investment channel, Oakbay Investments, categorically denied that the family was going anywhere, threatening legal action against all publications that reported as such.

Even the Gupta's feel Cyril's presence and have decided to leave, on the bases of Cyril coming. What other reason may it be?

But no! The Gupta's don't even want to stop there,  they want to take everything. hahaha, I mean everything. 

“The Bank of Baroda has notified the Office of the Registrar of Banks of its exit from South Africa. The Registrar, which is part of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), is in discussions with the Bank of Baroda to ensure its orderly withdrawal from South Africa so that no depositor is disadvantaged.
“At this stage, the SARB has no further comments on the matter,” the SARB said in a short statement.

They even want to take their business. But you know some airline only allow certain weight, so some items of the Gupta's are remaining.

The two brothers have resigned all their directorships, while the City Press claims that their shareholdings are likely to be put up for sale – citing family sources.
“The entire family is checking out,” said one.
“City Press has learned that he lives in the exclusive Emirates Hills estate, where the
lowest-priced home on sale on property website Bayut.com is an R11 million three bedroom cluster.”

Look you can love Zuma, but one thing you can agree the struggle get him out brought unity. Despite the matter, he might not go (you know he's full of tricks).
Zimbabwe and South Africa in two respective years are celebrating two major political event history.

Gupta's bank


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