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Mugabe Bravery in Southern Africa (as well as for the blacks)

Mugabe Bravery (Zim story)

For a while my interested has shifted to Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is just north of South Africa (one of it’s neighbors). My interest has been enlarged because of President Robert Mugabe, who is the only president in Africa trying to stop white power in Africa.

White supremacy started in Zimbabwe with Mr. Rhodes and later the country was named Rhodesia. Whites found renaming African things very essential. Renaming gave the Africans a feeling of being ruled and it was a way of westernizing Africa. Names give us a reference of time and culture which the whites found essential to erase.

The success story of Zimbabwean people taking down Mr. Rhodes and killing him for their freedom is one happy story. Though like many European colonized country lost, they never gave up sight of the power. They lost the battle, but did Britain loose the war (did Britain loose Zimbabwe at the time). Well Europeans later learnt that they don’t even need to actually be present to colonize a country, they invented something I call colonize at the comfort of your own couch. That was what Britain did.

They allowed Zimbabwe to choose their leader (which ended up to be Mugabe) and made him their little boy toy. Other words, they made sure he ran Zimbabwe in the interest of British economy at hand. The interest of the British economy ran something like this: not nationalizing mines, banks and institutions, also lands that should be kept by the British.

In Uganda the Europeans had choose Idiamine as their puppet, he was a good puppet too. He tossed out the Arabs power and control, like a good boy gave it to daddy. He became clever for the Europeans taste and went against daddy’s authority. Kenya was nothing different with Daniel Mooi who never went against the Europeans (he was president for 20 years). South Africa’s first black president Nelson Mandela wasn’t any different.

Robert Mugabe was a strict leader to and possibly still is. He never allowed anyone to stand their way, or it was death or imprisonment for them. He was loved by the British so much the queen had him knighted and he was known as Sir Mugabe the knight of her royal majesty.

What changes such loyalty from Mugabe is a question the we all urge to know. I guess he felt pity for his people and saw the British as they always were. Then on He went against the white supremacy. He started by taking back the lands from the white to the blacks. Some of you readers are saying what he did was wrong, but was it wrong for the whites to take the land in the first place?

Though Mr Mugabe choose the wrong enemies (America and the British). These enemies are just the bad boys of the world, which we all don’t want to mess with. Why America? I think the economy of America also depended on Zimbabwe in some way.

Don’t you find it weird that the BBC (national owned broadcast channel owned by the British government) only had fowl things to say about him? Report after report from the BBC on whatever they come up with, to say about Mugabe.

In the 90s a party came to Zimbabwe called MDC. The MDC didn’t have media support or money to spread their wings. The MDC is practically a party that didn’t want to get rid of white power that was in the country. MDC even approached Britain to ask for assistance but the British supposedly ignored. Later Mugabe did something radical and that’s the land reclaim and the British just pumped cash for them. I think MDC was their only hope for getting back their wealth they stole from Zimbabwe.
The BBC even reports MDC as the party that is there to be the hero. They obviously won’t say they fighting for white supremacy. BBC is making the MDC a mini ANC of Zimbabwe if you think about it. The MDC don’t have a lot of policies even, but they do have rule to getting the whites their lands back.

Mugabe is considered a racist even by the BBC. Though lets expose the MDC. One of MDC leaders is Ian Kay, who has a lot of crime behind him (like acts of violence). I personally believe Mugabe put those charges against him because he’s a threat, but now we just getting all political.
Did you know Zimbabwe after the land reclaiming was in pretty good economic point. There was finance and jobs.

The British decided to take out sanctions for a country that has never done act of violence to them, but act of justice.  The Americans later took out sanctions out of Zimbabwe, that later caused Zimbabwe to bee at the economic downfall it now is. The Americans even done something called a credit freeze on Zimbabwe if that wasn’t hard enough.

Credit is extremely important for a countries well-being and It can damage a countries well-being. Because of credit America can lose up to 10% unemployment in and cause the US to have a economic stumble. Imagine that happening to country that doesn’t even have the economic strength as the US. No need to imagine it happened to Zim.
This is a tragic story that is happening in Zimbabwe right now. Of what can happen if any country goes against super powers. Maya we be enlightened to learn and not be quick to judge and wish Zimbabwe a uprising future for a better world. A man who will never be in the history books, for being much braver than Nelson Mandela. As he slowly fades away from this earth let us remember him as the African Legend he is.

He’s a man that stood up for his people and country, but no one see’s that except the few. He must be a lonely man to go through this and not an ounce of thanks spread.


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