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Democracy translated wrong in SA

So you know how in America when your practically in the majority group your in the highest ranks. Which I believe that. I mean if your country really has democracy there should be majority and minority groups (the majority should be calling the shots).
Well this talk is about how South Africa doesn't have any of that. South Arica is filled with a black majority government but yet has more poverty and social issues with blacks. Why is that? EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS ARE THE MAJORITY.

Well let's look at the numbers, since numbers don't lie.
Blacks are majority by 80.2% (what would you expect from a country that has Africa on it).
Coloureds take the stage with 8.8%
Whites with 8.4%
Asians with 2.5%
Now I believe in democracy. Democracy means a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Other words what the majority of the people want, the majority gets.

Look America has problems, but they have a fair system. USA is where democracy is at it's peak. The whites practically call the shots, which is how it should be because they the deciding members of the country.

We have a lot of racial issues in the world YES. But what I am trying to do is work around it. They say if you can't beat it join it, right? Well I am trying to think of solutions where everyone should be happy. Racism is a issue where we have to solve, but for now lets make each other liveable with and understand fairness. Fairness has it.

Fairness has it that votes should be encountered for for all members.

Here's the issue. Blacks have the highest unemployment in terms of unemployment. Black's have the lowest percentage in entering university. Blacks have the lowest number of land owned. The list goes on and on.

We have black law makers, but clearly a non-black law system. There's no equality in that. 

I admire what President Mogabe did. He did land reformens to accommodate the majority of the country, the black. Don't tell me its because of that land reform the country is dying. That's like telling me that Zimbabwe is dying because there's no white people (that blacks need whites). No!! Zimbabwe was actually doing very very well after the land reform. This was up until the US and Britain place this banner on the country, to stop business with Zim (another story all together).

We talk highly of fairness, well let's take fairness where its supposed to be, in democracy.  


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