Yondlers Visitors

Simple Cost Efficient Phenomenon

Having money can also be blinding. I mean when you go to KFC, and you have R100 and a sandwich is R30 and R10 for cold drink. Now you buy those named products. I don’t know if it’s just me, but Chicken Liken taste the same as KFC (and remarkably cheaper). Why not buy at Chicken Liken to have more change from the R100?

Restaurants do one of the best mind games and personally I call it the “The Cold drink scuffle”. You buy a 300ml of coke at KFC, but it finished fast? You’ve been robbed. That wasn’t 300ml of coke, but only 25% of coke and the rest is melted water or ice. Why? “I didn’t order ice though!” No one does and they bring it you anyways, why would you complain about ice on a hot day? On a date? With your kids? You won’t.

Remember Physics, there something called Buoyancy’s force and restaurants use that for all their cold drinks. It simply says when you put an object in the water, the water level rises.

Certain small things we don’t realise and if we don’t realise that, imagine the bigger markets you won’t realise.

The reason I raise such a topic because I believe it rises to a bigger issue.

Townships are towns (that is usually as big as a city’s) having a vast majority of blacks living in the settlement. South Africa has a lot of townships, that’s due to the fact 80% of South Africa is filled with blacks. Townships developed when apartheid government wanted blacks and whites to be separate, so apartheid government gave blacks land (called homelands) where the blacks would stay.

The population of blacks in SA are forever growing and that means more houses are made. What this means that the townships will expand more and more, due to the fact of population increase. Houses are made informally and un-informally. What I refer is to that Un-informally meaning not registered with the government and informally meaning registered with government.

To my smart readers they know that anything with money with a country or company, works hand in hand with budgets. The government of a certain province are allocated certain litres of water and watts of electricity by the bigger government (that mainly is the nationwide government). Papers are signed; research says 4 million houses are registered with the government, so the provincial government request that much water and electricity enough for those people, as well as backup. Now imagine if there are new houses being settled without the governments consent and they expect water and electricity.

With a rate of the population increasing, the rate of stats (for the budget) coming to the government is a way off race. But there are sticks occurring at a high altitude for water and electricity (what do you think that occurred by?

Yes the government is at fault, they need to find a better maths to equate the two variables. For country with its own actuary society and broad financial institutes they could find the solution to this issue.

This topic is the lack of respect not given to money in SA. In SA we toitoi but don’t understand the technicality. It’s doesn’t take brain juice for that just bloody common sense (that is given once money is respected).

We are a growing country but in turns of money, we need to view it the way the English do.

South Africa main profit is made from mining companies, and that puts us at a venerability state. See when we depends money to occur in key aspect of our different division it allows openness for disaster.

It is okay to have something as your main revenue, but don’t ever allow it to be non-renewable items. Like how the USA literally has no oil and they hit a major stumble. Not just running out is the issue, but new demands. Why burn coal when we have green fuel and oil? That question is one that allows hundreds of coal miners to be unemployed due to opportunities are becoming more and more limited.  That could be the case for us. Well diamonds and gold will probably lose value as we find more metals and rock which are worth paying thousands for.

When South African see’s that maybe we might get somewhere.

This issue of depending on mines can be solved by us too. By becoming entrepreneurs, and we need more of that. Allows South Africa to spread its springboks wings.

This topic is a heavy one, but I treid to summerise it with the few things that have been tackling my mind.


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