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Pregnancy Issues in South Africa


I got the question of my title from the website called Quora. I believe this is an important question every child at teenage age should ask. The youth never consider consequences. Look I’m not commenting on the sex issue (If you can’t destroy the castle from the outside, then destroy it from the inside), I’m commenting on the fact of precautions that should have been taken. We live in a day and age where prevention of having a child is everywhere (condom, contraceptive and even birth control).
So there is always an increase in teenage pregnancies, I mean it’s not even news anymore. There is even a reality show we call “pregnant at 16” if I’m not wrong. This is now a South African situation now. Research has it that unwanted teenage pregnancies result to criminal activities and substance abuse increase (another topic for another day, but believe it’s a fact). Not just the result of crime but the fact that in South Africa we have a saying of “Ubuntu”, which in English translation humility and in plane modern day English my problem is now your problem. So we can’t allow our fellow brothers/sisters to suffer. There is clearly something that is forcing the youth to have sex.

As I said in my introduction that my problem is that the youth don’t take precautions. Look I am a dude, and I want to be honest to my readers, if an extremely sexy girl takes off her clothes! You best believe my clothes will come off faster than the speed of light (precaution or no precaution). That’s the thing, I know myself and from there I can maintain myself. Look if you are a youth reader and you are going to a party and know there might be some drunken girls and you are a horny youth! Then don’t take chances, take a condom or two. Look I am a growing Christian. Lord is my Lord and saviour, but that won’t stop be from being safe! I know me and the Lord knows me, and that’s why I avoid being at parties and testing my faith by even going to parties.

Putting myself in situation because I am not strong enough by myself. Even if you are youth non-Christian reader the content is still valid. Know yourself! Stop being righteous and accept reality. I carry a condom because I know me, even though I don’t want to touch any girl (and that I am man of Christ) I won’t cope alone with my sexual desires (not without my God). So if I get lucky out of nowhere I know, it isn’t my child and I’ll be STD less. So to my Christian readers, pray for God to change our hearts. To my non-Christian readers, know yourself and take precautions.

Now I am at university and I see and meet many students that take precautions. So the problem isn’t after the age of 20, because these guys know what’s what and they take know what sex can lead to. Kids on the other hand are a big no! When I say kids I mean from the age of puberty to nineteen. They get horny, they want to be the top shaggers, and they want to be the boss. They don’t understand the beauty of sex nor its function. To be clear with readers, the function of sex is to make a child and to join two souls through getting physical. If you understand something then you will know how to go around it. We must teach these kids these things man.

Look that’s one of the reasons God said have sex after marriage. Because it’s intense and also because He made it beautiful (for marriage) and humans destroyed that.

But that’s the thing, we should teach this, to every ear out there. Everyone must hear this. We must spread this and scare the youth with this. Fear allows boundaries. This can be done like having guest speakers talking about this to students. This situation has solutions and that’s through knowledge and later wisdom.

Though back to the topic. The girl and boy are is in the wrong and should of took precautions and now is living with her consequence. Remember there was a time where sex before marriage was evil, then sex under the age of 20 then became the new wrong and NOW sex with safety is the new wrong. See how unstable society is and changes within a heartbeat.

South Africa is blessed to have different brands of condemns that are free of charge to reduce HIV transmission and baby making. SA is blessed to have people who know the consequences of not using safety precautions during sex. Though we still have huge number of people not taking the precautions and apparently they invincible.  Look we all even know where the desires to have sex comes from, within. The clothes we wear (says come hither),the twerking non-stop music videos, the twerking non-stop everywhere and etc. There’s too much sex in our world.

This article was hard for to write, because I don’t believe a word I just typed. But this is what the world understands and that was what I typed. I simply believe sex before marriage is just wrong, I am not old schooled like that, just respective to my maker. Love comes with respect and I have to show respect by following His Word. This article is intended to tackle pregnancies and unwanted children.  That is what the article is intended. Personally, I would advise my readers to repent and pick up your Bible. I thought maybe if the youth won’t listen to God, then perhaps reason, cause this article is just plain common sense.

I don’t really carry condom’s everywhere. I don’t even have any, I was trying to make a point. I wasn’t lying LOL, but printing a point.


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