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Beauty Contests in the World

Miss Beautiful

Well in the world almost all the country participates in the Miss Universe. These are beauty contests really, the most beautiful women in the whole world is announced as Miss Universe. Sadly you can only be Miss Universe for one time of your life and that’s a year. There’s Miss City, then promotion to Miss Province, then promoted to Miss Country and later the Universe. Wait, Is there a Miss World? So we literally skip poor old planet earth, poor old solar system, poor old galaxy (Milky Way) and jump to Mr Universe.

The first problem I have with this contest. Well why it is named Miss Universe? I mean we haven’t been able to visit Pluto yet, how can we even conclude that the winner is might as well the prettiest in the Universe. Like what if Pluto has some radical babes or planet XXX?
My most big complaint is who in the world has the audacity and privilege to name someone the prettiest lady in the world. That this individual “knows” what every guy is into and concludes that the winner shall always be some skinny female that waves like Nelson Mandela? I’m attracted to bigger women Mr KnowItAll. Yes my readers I hate the beauty contest, with a passion that boils within.
The Miss everything has to be a thin female, all the time. So you telling me Gods beauty are at best shown in thin women?

I live in Africa, a place where there’s poverty and food is scares. Even though food is scares we have big boned women (weird right?). Almost 7 out of the women you walk past in Africa are big. England and the US is a growing country with obesity. So the US and the UK have big women and I’d like to imagine them a lot. So why is the most beautiful women put into the minority groups?
We all know how many women across the world feel insecure about their bodies.

The women start doing plastic surgery and make up to try get one man to tell them she’s beautiful. This is due to men at young age is told by society which women are the bomb. I learnt through the TV, how every Cinderella and main women had to be thin, except Shrek’s wife. You know what I mean. Most women say girl power, but where is it where most needed?

We all know that’s caused by the society telling them that they need to be thinner to be beautiful and not too thin. We all know how society kills many things like dreams (with expectation) and well know it kills confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness. God said He made us in His image so with that implication all women have the same amount of beauty (but I think God meant our souls not physical body•). But that is not the point; the point is everyone is beautiful.

Modelling has grown to accept and take bigger women, let Miss Universe contest follow.
Plus some women would argue they worked hard for the body and to be that beautiful. Well my sister there are thousands of women that can’t get that body due to their body type and health (having excess skin and even to cancer effects). So because they can’t exercise to get that body, they must be ugly? Well even though; we have millions of big women and beautifully shaped women (that society finds not beautiful) are so comfortable with their bodies and what then? Are they not beautiful because they want to leave Gods work? They not beautiful because they don’t want to be you, but more themselves?

There’s many ways to flourish the hard labored body, without excluding millions and billions of other women.

Let’s talk about education. A lot of people would say without that degree you dumb. Well bud they dumb. Michael Jackson is said to be a musical genius, Albert Einstein a physics genius, Pythagoras maths genius and Winnie the Pooh the honey genius. Understand the point I am trying to make? That is why we have more than one Nobel Price award.

Why we have more than one music award (based on genre). We know the mind can’t be compared to that of your next door neighbors and we can’t categories it. Let me prove why we can’t. New musical genres are made yearly and new subjects are made.

So if education/knowledge is celebrated as such why can’t beauty.

Of cause I have a solution, have more than one Miss Universe category, based on weight class and body type. That easy. This will allow women to love their body way more and feel free. This allows a score board in our war with society. Think about that.  


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